Building a pivot table in SQLite

Suppose we have a sales table with product incomes for the years 2020-2023:

│ product │ year │ income │
│ alpha   │ 2020 │ 100    │
│ alpha   │ 2021 │ 120    │
│ alpha   │ 2022 │ 130    │
│ alpha   │ 2023 │ 140    │
│ beta    │ 2020 │ 10     │
│ beta    │ 2021 │ 20     │
│ beta    │ 2022 │ 40     │
│ beta    │ 2023 │ 80     │
│ gamma   │ 2020 │ 80     │
│ gamma   │ 2021 │ 75     │
│ gamma   │ 2022 │ 78     │
│ gamma   │ 2023 │ 80     │


And we want to transform it into a so-called pivot table, where products serve as rows and years serve as columns:

│ product │ 2020 │ 2021 │ 2022 │ 2023 │
│ alpha   │ 100  │ 120  │ 130  │ 140  │
│ beta    │ 10   │ 20   │ 40   │ 80   │
│ gamma   │ 80   │ 75   │ 78   │ 80   │

Some DBMS, like SQL Server, have a custom pivot operator to do this. SQLite does not. Still, there are multiple ways to solve the problem. Let's examine them.

1. Filtered totals

Let's manually extract each year in a separate column and calculate a filtered total income for that year:

  sum(income) filter (where year = 2020) as "2020",
  sum(income) filter (where year = 2021) as "2021",
  sum(income) filter (where year = 2022) as "2022",
  sum(income) filter (where year = 2023) as "2023"
from sales
group by product
order by product;

Here is our pivot table:

│ product │ 2020 │ 2021 │ 2022 │ 2023 │
│ alpha   │ 100  │ 120  │ 130  │ 140  │
│ beta    │ 10   │ 20   │ 40   │ 80   │
│ gamma   │ 80   │ 75   │ 78   │ 80   │

This universal method works in every DBMS, not only SQLite. Even if your DB engine does not support filter, you can always resort to using case:

  sum(case when year = 2020 then income end) as "2020",
  sum(case when year = 2021 then income end) as "2021",
  sum(case when year = 2022 then income end) as "2022",
  sum(case when year = 2023 then income end) as "2023"
from sales
group by product
order by product;

The case statement is used here to include only income values for the year that matches the specified year.

Using filter is probably the easiest way when we know the columns in advance. But what if we don't?

2. Dynamic SQL

Let's build our query dynamically without hardcoding year values:

  1. Extract distinct year values.
  2. Generate a ...filter (where year = X) as "X" query line for each year.
with years as (
  select distinct year as year
  from sales
lines as (
  select 'select product ' as part
  union all
  select ', sum(income) filter (where year = ' || year || ') as "' || year || '" '
  from years
  union all
  select 'from sales group by product order by product;'
select group_concat(part, '')
from lines;

This query returns the same SQL we wrote manually at the previous step (minus formatting):

select product , sum(income) filter (where year = 2020) as "2020" , sum(income) filter (where year = 2021) as "2021" , sum(income) filter (where year = 2022) as "2022" , sum(income) filter (where year = 2023) as "2023" from sales group by product order by product;

Now we have to execute it. For that, let's use the eval(sql) function available as part of the define extension:

select load_extension('./define');

with years as (
  select distinct year as year
  from sales
lines as (
  select 'drop view if exists v_sales; ' as part
  union all
  select 'create view v_sales as '
  union all
  select 'select product '
  union all
  select ', sum(income) filter (where year = ' || year || ') as "' || year || '" '
  from years
  union all
  select 'from sales group by product order by product;'
select eval(group_concat(part, ''))
from lines;

Here, we are building a v_sales view which executes the query we've constructed previously. Let's select the data from it:

select * from v_sales;
│ product │ 2020 │ 2021 │ 2022 │ 2023 │
│ alpha   │ 100  │ 120  │ 130  │ 140  │
│ beta    │ 10   │ 20   │ 40   │ 80   │
│ gamma   │ 80   │ 75   │ 78   │ 80   │

Note: extensions do not work in the playground, so you'll have to use your local SQLite to reproduce this step.


3. Pivot extension

If dynamic SQL seems too much for you, there is a more straightforward solution — the pivotvtab extension.

With it, we only have to provide three selects to build a pivot:

  1. Select row values.
  2. Select column values.
  3. Select cell values.
select load_extension('./pivotvtab');

create virtual table v_sales using pivot_vtab (
  -- rows
  (select distinct product from sales),
  -- columns
  (select distinct year, year from sales),
  -- cells
  (select sum(income) from sales where product = ?1 and year = ?2)

pivot_vtab takes three arguments:

  1. A subquery that specifies the rows of the virtual table. In this case, the subquery selects all distinct products.
  2. A subquery that specifies the columns of the virtual table. In this case, the subquery selects all distinct years. pivot_vtab expects two values for each column, one for the column value and one for the column name. By duplicating the year value, we are effectively using it as both the value and name for the column.
  3. A subquery that specifies the values of the virtual table. In this case, the subquery selects the total income for a specific product and year combination. The ?1 and ?2 placeholders in the subquery represent parameters that will be filled in at runtime with the actual values for product and year.

The extension does the rest:

select * from v_sales;
│ product │ 2020 │ 2021 │ 2022 │ 2023 │
│ alpha   │ 100  │ 120  │ 130  │ 140  │
│ beta    │ 10   │ 20   │ 40   │ 80   │
│ gamma   │ 80   │ 75   │ 78   │ 80   │

That's even easier than the pivot operator in SQL Server!


There are three ways to build a pivot table in SQLite:

  1. Using plain SQL and sum() + filter expressions.
  2. Building and executing a dynamic query with the eval() function.
  3. Utilizing the pivotvtab extension.


P.S. Interested in using SQL for data analytics? Check out my book — SQL Window Functions Explained

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