select * from tools limit 1;
A rich set of functions for working with date, time and durations.
To keep the query from taking forever.
Leave no trace of deleted data.
Build your own document database with SQLite.
Strict column type checking, like in PostgreSQL or MySQL.
JSONB has landed.
Order by in aggregates, better string concatenation, and thorough date formatting.
Using the `sqlpkg` package manager.
Using the `sqlpkg` package manager.
Find, install and manage SQLite extensions.
To compensate for SQLite's missing features.
70 additional functions are now available in Sqlime.
A drop-in replacement for the sqlite3 module, bundled with essential extensions.
A rich set of Unicode-aware functions for working with text.
Calculating message digests and encoding/decoding binary data to a textual representation.
Ask AI to explain or troubleshoot your SQL query in a playground.
Turn static SQL code in your articles into executable examples.
Working with files and traversing directories from SQL.
Three ways to create a pivot table in plain SQL.
Use a robust pattern matching and text replacement tool from SQL.
Write functions in plain SQL.
For faster exploratory data analysis.
Faster JSON handling in a relational database.
Simplify queries without storing additional data.
How to edit a big query without leaving the CLI
Search for the query instead of typing it by hand.
Regexes, math, file IO and over 100 other functions.
Strict tables, any type and a new pragma.
I have built an online SQL playground with vanilla JS and a bit of GitHub API. Here's how.
Here is why SQLite is a perfect tool for you - whether you are a developer, data analyst, or geek.
With recursive CTE and randomized data.
But with GitHub Actions it is.
Math functions, column removal and RETURNING clause.