Thank Go!

Go programming in practice.

Go's map does not shrink

Sad, but true.

Go 1.24 interactive tour

Weak pointers, faster maps, directory-scoped access, and more.

Gist of Go: Context

Safely cancel and timeout operations in a concurrent environment.

Gist of Go: Time

Techniques for handling time in concurrent programs.

Gist of Go: Pipelines

Compose concurrent pipelines from independent blocks.

Gist of Go: Channels

A multi-purpose concurrency tool.

Gist of Go: Wait groups

Waiting for goroutines to finish.

Gist of Go: Goroutines

Let's write a concurrent program in Go!

Gist of Go: Concurrency

Interactive book on concurrent programming with many exercises.

Go features by version

Which major features appeared in which versions of Go.

Go 1.23 interactive tour

Iterators, timers and canonical values.

Resetting timers in Go

Chances are you are doing it wrong.

Go 1.22 interactive tour

Isolated loop variables, range over integers, math/rand v2 and enhanced routing.

Writing a package manager

Without spending a year on it.

Built-in functions in Go 1.21

Computing the smallest/largest value and clearing containers.

Cherry-picked features from Go 1.20

Multi-errors, context cancellation cause, new date formats, and other notable changes.

Atomic operations composition in Go

Examining atomicity and predictability of operations in a concurrent environment.

Idempotent close in Go

How to free the resources safely.