Temporary tables in SQLite

Sometimes you want to combine data from multiple tables into one and query the results. For example, join vacancies together with employers and regions:

Combine, then query

select v.*, e.name, a.name
from vacancy as v
  join employer as e on e.id = v.employer_id
  join area as a on a.id = v.area_id

The question is how to reference the combined dataset in further queries. There are three ways of doing that:

  1. Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
  3. Temporary tables


A Common Table Expression is basically a named subquery:

with combined_cte as (
  select v.*, e.name, a.name
  from vacancy as v
    join employer as e on e.id = v.employer_id
    join area as a on a.id = v.area_id
select ...
from combined_cte
where ...
group by ...
order by ...

The CTE is repeated in each query and computed on the fly. So if the subquery for the combined dataset is slow, the entire query will be even slower.


A view works like a CTE, but you can reference it by name and not repeat the subquery every time. Views are computed on the fly, similar to CTEs.

-- 1) create once
create view combined_view as
select v.*, e.name, a.name
from vacancy as v
  join employer as e on e.id = v.employer_id
  join area as a on a.id = v.area_id;

-- 2) use everywhere
select ...
from combined_view
where ...
group by ...
order by ...

PostgreSQL and others have materialized views, which store data on disk. But not SQLite.

Temporary table

A temporary table is like a real table: it stores data on disk, and you can build indexes. But it exists only while the database connection is open.

-- 1) create once
create temp table combined_temp as
select v.*, e.name, a.name
from vacancy as v
  join employer as e on e.id = v.employer_id
  join area as a on a.id = v.area_id;

-- 2) use everywhere
select ...
from combined_temp
where ...
group by ...
order by ...

Technically, SQLite stores temporary tables in a separate temp database. It keeps that database in a separate file on disk, visible only to the current database connection. The temporary database is deleted automatically as soon as the connection is closed.

Temporary database location

On unix-like systems, the directory for storing the temp database can be one of the following:

  1. The directory set by PRAGMA temp_store_directory (deprecated)
  2. The SQLITE_TMPDIR environment variable
  3. The TMPDIR environment variable
  4. /var/tmp
  5. /usr/tmp
  6. /tmp
  7. The current working directory (.)

SQLite picks the first one with both write and execute permissions.

To store the temp database in memory, set PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY.


Temporary tables are great for experimenting when you're just getting to know the data. Do whatever you want — everything will be forgotten after disconnecting from the database ツ


P.S. Interested in mastering advanced SQL? Check out my book — SQL Window Functions Explained

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